Day 51 - 100 Day Project

Day 51 - 100 Day ProjectFollow me on Instagram @KathrynJNeale, #100Days20minptgs, #100DayProject Click here for official webpage.


Actually couple days behind so this weekend I hope to catch up! Wednesday leaving for CO so I know it will be a while before updating again. But will definitely stay on top of this project.

Day 50 - 100 Day Project

Day 50 - 100 Day ProjectFollow me on Instagram @KathrynJNeale, #100Days20minptgs, #100DayProject Click here for official webpage.


Day 50! I'm just 2 days behind I think so this is  a little late but definitely feeling back on track with Day 50. HALF WAY THROUGH! I was in great need of some more inspiration - color-wise, and also switched to some panels (getting tired of just paper). Good decision.

Next week (literally a week from today, Thursday) I will be driving with my son to Colorado to visit my sister and her daughters. Feeling a bit of trepidation to be doing this all by myself but come last night, I feel a renewed sense of urgency. I need a break! I need a pause and I need to just leave my life right now here for a bit. Looking forward to it.

Day 45 - 100 Day Project

Day 45 - 100 Day ProjectFollow me on Instagram @KathrynJNeale, #100Days20minptgs, #100DayProject Click here for official webpage.


Totally have taken last week off - not on purpose of course! But after 5 straight days with my son all by myself and then another 5 with my brother-in-law in town, I fell into a bout of exhaustion and fatigue I haven't felt in a long long time. Now catching up!

I also was getting bored, waiting to go get some flat squared panels for sketching and not just on paper. I also wanted more Annie Sloan colors and got them! Next time will get some more.

Day 43 - 100 Day Project

Day 43 - 100 Day ProjectFollow me on Instagram @KathrynJNeale, #100Days20minptgs, #100DayProject Click here for official webpage.


I actually DID do Day 43 yesterday but just didn't have time to post. Picking hubbie up from airport tonight at 10 pm WHILE trying to get my paintings for the gallery opening all shaped up. Deliver them this Friday so lots going on at night! :)

Day 40 - 100 Day Project

Day 40 - 100 Day ProjectFollow me on Instagram @KathrynJNeale, #100Days20minptgs, #100DayProject Click here for official webpage.


Going different direction for a bit - wanting to do this for a while. But made sketches from a friend's photographs of Scotland. I love the UK and would give anything to go hike the Scottish highlands so it's a lifelong dream of mine to go there. Of course this one is abstracted but this one and Day 41 are definitely freeing me up to look at the negative space (the suggestion of the "lake") and suggest landscape instead of floral arrangements. Always trying something new is fun for a bit!

Day 39 - 100 Day Project

Day 39 - 100 Day ProjectFollow me on Instagram @KathrynJNeale, #100Days20minptgs, #100DayProject Click here for official webpage.


Having fun with this one with texture. Playing with the white paint squeezing straight out of the tube. Lovely effect! I just wish I had foreseen this and not done it on such thin pastel paper - oh well! But really fun to get into the texture again. That's why I miss oils which is SO easy to do with oils.

Day 38 - 100 Day Project

Day 38 - 100 Day Project Follow me on Instagram @KathrynJNeale, #100Days20minptgs, #100DayProject

Click here for official webpage.


Not digging this one at all! It's really awkward! I like some of the stuff that's happening but I deliberately chose a floral arrangement that was much more symmetrical - little off balance but had a beautiful "S" curve with the little yellow flowers kind of sitting in a bowl, etc. Of course I just dislike so much symmetry so at the end I had to make the background green not just a circle but spill out to the side there. But the "S" got out of control. Of course I would love more negative space/background around the area but it just go so overworked. Not the greatest. But again - it's OK! It's just practice and good to push yourself! :)


Day 37 - 100 Day Project

Day 37 - 100 Day Project Follow me on Instagram @KathrynJNeale, #100Days20minptgs, #100DayProject

Click here for official webpage.


Again not really liking this series - it's ok. I know I'm referencing floral bouquets and that translating that composition is interesting. But pracicing what I'm preaching, it's a little too literal for me. But it's good to try to be reminded of how to possible translate something from a photo and be expressive and/or more abstract in it's interpretation. I also love the photographs are really well spaced - there's a lot of negative space around the floral arrangement and that design sense in me is loving that part. But it's harder for me to replicate that in these small spaces for the paintings. I also feel like in the mornings now, it's not as free-flowing - my energy seems to overwork everything!

But it's great to be aware of how your energy flows and what works for you - it may shift and change per day, per week but being aware is also half the battle.


Day 36 - 100 Day Project

Day 36 - 100 Day Project Follow me on Instagram @KathrynJNeale, #100Days20minptgs, #100DayProject

Click here for official webpage.


Ok flowery bouquet-looking one from that wreath book. I think I'll be working with this for a little bit until I get bored too. But it's making me realize that I need to start practicing what I preach - I might start working on some sketches for exercises that I need to post! The book is perfect to show how you can translate imagery into more abstract forms and play with those, using the book/photography as references only.


Day 35 - 100 Day Project

Day 35 - 100 Day ProjectFollow me on Instagram @KathrynJNeale, #100Days20minptgs, #100DayProject Click here for official webpage.


To be honest I'm starting to get a little bored now and I'm barely 1/3 of the way through! Doing fine so far but now I'm kind of staring at my pieces of paper - what to do what to do. This one is an experiment and I realize that I must start to push myself - failure will happen and even for me I need to start feeling more and more "uncomfortable" again to see what happens. It's inevitable, or boredom sets in - which is death. So change has to be the norm, just like in life.

I wanted to reference a floral arrangement more - probably in a nod to Mother's Day today (which was a very happy and good day for our family!). I was also inspired by this Wreath book, writing a post here.

The bright blobs of red paint were NOT intentional and definitely an accident when this entire enormous blob spit right out of the tube after (of course!) several attempts to gently coaxing a few drops from the bottle, an air bubble just spat this entire thing out! I couldn't decide what to do, whether to leave it or work with it or scrap it off. I decided to work with it - and I like the texture (I'm missing the heavy, creamy texture of oils - haven't worked with oils in years for obvious toxic and clean-up reasons but that's what I miss the most). It was fine - way too much paint to begin with but yet another example of working within the accident that you're not crazy about!