Day 10 - 100 Day Project

Day 10 - 100 Day Project Follow me on Instagram @KathrynJNeale, #100Days20minptgs, #100DayProject

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This one I like a little bit different. Tried to keep it kind of neutral (for me!). And I love experimenting with tape - it's fun to block out areas and then like you see, rip them up and place the tape elsewhere. It creates an interesting effect. You can still see hints of the pattern I used underneath but I like that - this one is more subtle with the pattern.

Thinking of my day today. Yesterday was his birthday (65), but he's been in the hospital for almost a week. Friday is my mom's birthday (yes they are Aries twins!), what a way to spend beginning of 65. He's always had issues with his heart his whole life. Yet my mom, sister and I all agree it's one of the great ironies of this life that even though his physical heart is so incredibly weak (it's a miracle he's lived this long!), he is the gentlest, kindest, sweetest man. Again I don't know why he has had to go through these touch challenges all his life, but of course being Aries and having a weak heart has beaten a lot of the Aries down in him which in some ways is sad. We all send him so much love and support.

Times like these are so crucial to take the opportunity to not only show but also just tell the ones we love how much we love them. We forget in our busy lives what it really means to cherish each other. And it starts with us, with our family, with our friends. Then we can turn ourselves outward to bless the world at large because starting with ourselves we only contribute to the healing of the world - instead of turning to hate, turning to love.

This post is really not meant for anything else but myself, I know no one is reading this but it's helpful to write out what I most need to hear. Tough times indeed. The prognosis not looking good.